Shock as 23 aborted infants, dead bodies found in Nairobi River.

A clean-up team affiliated to nairobi Governor mike Sonko in korogocho slums section of the Nairobi River. Photo: COURTESY
By Albert Nyawawa
Three more bodies of aborted infants were Sunday found in Korogocho along the expansive Nairobi River by a clean-up team affiliated to Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko.
This brings to 28 the number of bodies retrieved from the river since the launch of the Nairobi river restoration project inJuly 2018
The 28 include twenty three infants and five adults .
Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko has called on young mothers to seek help if they find raising babies an impossible challenge.
He spoke on Friday after his Sonko Rescue Team yet again retrieved the body of an infant from the Ngong River in Embakasi South. Sonko said there is always the option of giving up the babies to foster homes should push comes to shove.
The infant is believed to be about a year and a half old and brings to 25 the number of bodies retrieved from rivers around the city by the SRT and the Comb Green Solutions groups cleaning the Ngong River and Nairobi River respectively since Sonko launched the monthly cleanup exercise in July 2018. The 25 include 20 infants and five adults.
Abdi Kware, head of Sonko Rescue Team in Embakasi South, said the body was retrieved near the Kware slums and reported at the Kware Police Station.The team was allowed to bury the remains along the River.
Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko has called upon the police and human rights activists to take be at the forefront in addressing the ongoing heinous acts of abortionin the city, calling on young mothers with challenges of raising their infants to take the babies to any children’s home managed by The Nairobi City County