HRMPEB releases 7th CHRP examinations results
By Mourice Seretta
The Human Resource Management Professionals Examinations Board (HRMPEB) on Wednesday released 2020’s Certified Human Resource Professional (CHRP) Examinations results.
While releasing the results from Nairobi, the board’s Chairperson Sharon Kisire said that it was an exctiting time for the board having ensured that the exam was done in difficult times owing to the Covid-19 pandemic that led to shutting down of institutions across the country, but later re-opened leading to the examinations being conducted.
Ms Kisire said that the examination covered all the CHRP subjects with 1, 721 registering for the same but only 1, 359 managing to sit for the same. 76% of the candidates who sat for the CHRP 2020 exams were ladies while only 23% were males.
‘I cannot be able to tell why the others dropped out but that can be due to various unknown reasons,’ Ms Kisire pointed out.
The board chair said that the exams were conducted in 14 centres across the country.
The scores were CHRP 1 53.8%, CHRP 2 53.84% CHRP 3 53% AND CHRP total mean grade standing at 53.30%.
Ms Kisire further said as a board, they were working towards improving their systems especially on having a strong online presence that will enable students sit their exams via online platforms and also attract international students to take their exams.
She also disclosed that the board is working to have graduates take an oath of work ethics as one way of streamlining the HR sector.
In his remarks, IHRM Council National Chaiman Joseph Onyango challenged as many a male to take up the HR courses owing to the fact that the high percentage of students enrolling for the exams were female.
Onyango however projected that come next year when the board will be announcing the results, things will have changed for better by then.
‘Success in institutions in future will be defined with the kind of employees they will hire. This is where HR will be crucial,’ he said.
The ceremony was graced by amongst others, CEO Dr Douglas HRMPEB Ogolla, AND acting Executive Director IHRM Ms Irene Kimacia.