Mombasa County Mulling Ward Development fund For MCAs


By Tobby Otum

Mombasa county Assembly Speaker Aharub Ebrahim Khatri has promised to push for a ward development fund to address issues affecting members of county assembly in their areas of jurisdiction.

He urged for the expediting of the conversation at both national and county level so that it is given priority.

“Let’s have speedy conclusion for the establishment of  a Ward Development Fund,” he pointed out.     

Aharub defended the establishment of the fund which is expected to address programs which forced elected members of county assembly to dig into their own pockets.

He made the remarks during his acceptance speech after being re-elected and after taking his oath of office conducted by county clerk Salim Juma during the third assembly’s first session held at the county assembly in Mombasa county.

Aharub was elected unopposed after being the only member who qualified for the post out of ten contestants.

The speaker, who has been re-elected twice to the position, said he is happy the third session has ushered in a new era in the legislative history to have met threshold for a minority party.

Aharub reminded the county assembly members to strengthen their diversity through embracing their differences in all house business transactions.

He acknowledged the different political parties at the third session of business in the county assembly and urged members to invest in economic growth for the electorate.

“Let county elected members shun negative politics and instead promote, embrace, enhance and commit to serving the public,” he added.

Mombasa member of county of assembly for Portreitz ward  Fadhili Mwalimu was re-elected unopposed as Deputy Speaker for the second term.

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