Agilitee Eyeing Expansion Into East African Market With New Pact


Agilitee, Greentech and Artificial Intelligence through its subsidiary Agilitee Africa and Kenyan consultancy firm Redmark Consultants have announce a regional joint venture to provide communities in the East Africa Region with a comprehensive range of cost-effective green energy solutions from electric vehicles infrastructure, electric vehicles manufacturing, Greentech products and Artificial Intelligence solutions.

 According to the fully executed partnership agreement, Redmark Consultants will now own 30% of Agilitee East Africa Limited a company that was set up in Kenya in 2021 that has been a wholly owned subsidiary of Agilitee Africa, whereas, Agilitee Africa will remain with 70% control of the same.

 The companies will work together through Agilitee East Africa and a new board of directors and leadership of Agilitee East Africa will be appointed within 30 days and operations under the partnership will commence in 45 with its headquarters in Kenya.

 Dr. Mandla Lamba, Founder & CEO of Agilitee Limited, acknowledged the rare opportunity to have a business that can have a financial impact while doing a good service for humanity.

“We are thrilled to be working with Mr Fred Muteti and the Redmark team, it’s time that we make East Africa great.Our goal is to help Africa transition into the Green Revolution and Forth Industrial Revolution with a comprehensive, sole-source approach that mitigates the weighty burdens of managing the internal and external environment so vital to achieving business, environmental and societal goals. Africa has been the breadbasket of global economic growth at the expense of the African people’s financial equality and growth, the New World Movement presents this precious opportunity for the very first time in African History, where Africans can truly build a new future that will positively impact the history of the next generation,” Dr Lamba said.

Mr Fred Muteti, Chairman & CEO of Redmark Consultants, said was excited to be on board with Agilitee East Africa. As Redmark Consultants we are constantly looking at ways in which to minimize our carbon footprint on the globe by partnering with forward thinkers and green energy solution providers like Agilitee Africa. With the volatile prices and not to mention carbon emissions of fuels, we look forward to opening up the East African Market to E.Vs and taking the frontier not just to vehicles but home appliances also for a greener and energy-saving present for a cleaner future. We shall keep providing tomorrow’s solutions today as Agilitee East Africa. ”

Bonisile Roberts Co-CEO of Agilitee Africa, also stated “This transaction officially marks our entry into East Africa, a region which, in our view, is much awaiting the transition into e-mobility on a grand scale. Who better to do this than an African Company with an ethos to design and manufacture vehicles that are specifically designed for the African terrain and economic climate. We are truly excited to see this revolution materializing in this fashion.”

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