Quickmart Supermarket Manager Arrested for Illegal Dumping

Nairobi City County Environmental Compliance and Monitoring Unit today arrested Ruai Quick Mart Supermarket manager Mr. Nicholas Kinyua Kariuki for illegal waste dumping.
The manager was later arraigned in City Court awaiting to be charged in contravention to provisions of EMCA and public Health Act.
Speaking during the operation, County Director for Environment and Natural Resources Mr. Paul Malawi warned against illegal dumping adding that the fines are very punitive.
He urged Nairobians to be responsible towards their waste right from how its generated,transported and disposed off. The law says a business establishment must show proof of a contract with a garbage collector.
Said Mr. Malawi, “We mounted an operation through a tip off from members of the public and confirmed that Ruai Quick Mart Supermarket dont have a wate management plan in their premises. They are giving their waste to the street urchins who dump it on the road sides and market areas.”
Mr. Malawi said the county has embarked on a citywide operation to clear Nairobi of waste in line with Governor Sakaja’s vision of a city of order,dignity, hope and opportunity for all.
Malawi also reminded Nairobians that persuant to County Waste Management 2015, dumping waste comes with punitive charges of KSh.300,000 for the first offenders and 500,000 -1,000,000 for the reapeat offenders.
Mr. Malawi mentioned that the County Anti-dumping Unit which has been operational for the last two months, has upscaled its operations across the city to ensure a clean and safe city.
Added Mr. Malawi,” in line with Governor Sakaja’s vision we want to make Nairobi a green city, devoid of waste. The Governor has committed funds to ensure that we have a wate free city.”
County Officer in Charge of Environmental Monitoring, Compliance and Enforcement Ms. Christine Kivuva said that the County is committed to promoting the right to a clean and healthy environment for the residents of the city.
Said Ms.Christine,” the businesses should mindful of the environment and ensure the waste is disposed off in proper manner.”
Ms. Kivuva also said that the enforcement team is also keen to control noise pollution in the city and arrests are going to be noticed soon.