Agilitee to set base in Kenya in continent’s green transition drive

South African based green technology company, Agilitee is set launch its subsidiary in the country next month as it looks towards powering Africa’s drive towards transition from fuel powered vehicles to electric vehicles.
The pioneering company in the climate resilience transition is seeking to foster cost effectiveness in the mobility sector, addressing some of the challenges that the sector is facing currently.
Speaking in an interview, Agilitee’s CEO, Mandla Lamba said that lack of proper government support and bureaucracy is among the factors limiting faster transition.
“The government should be more supportive of the pioneering companies tapping into the climate resilience efforts in order to fast track the transition avoiding the case of being caught by surprise with the exacerbating climate shocks,” Lamba said.
He added that Africa as a continent is still sluggish in the adoption of climate resilient forms of mobility calling for governments to be fully supportive of initiatives pointing towards resilience.
Lamba further noted that, proper investment and support by the government in adoption of green solutions would also be essential in creating new jobs, and sustainable jobs.
“There is need in our continent to find new waysof creating jobs for a huge population who are still jobless and in need of a job that will be sustainable enough for years to come,” Lamba noted.
The level of unemployment in Africa has been on the rise consequently with the rates as of 2021 being about 7.66 per cent, a 0.38 per cent increase from 2020.
The company plans to produce over 10,000 e-vehicles this years as it boasts of revenue growth at about 160 per cent last year.
Further seeks to double the revenues this year.