Kubende’s killers should be brought to book- Didimus Baraza to DCI

Politicians have been condemned of using and dumping the elite youths who aid them get to power especially during campaigns.
Speaking during the funeral of the late Joseph Kubende a popular linguist and politician from Bahai Bungoma County, his friends decried that the greatest challenge Kubende went through was triggered by rejection from the politicians he had once campaigned for.
“Politicians especially from Bungoma have painfully let us down, none of them could even pick Kubende’s calls when he was low and in dire need even after acting as their ladder to the helm of leadership,” said one friend.
As opposed to the information trending on the internet, almost every speaker mentioned that the popular linguist whose sense of humour had been instantly cut short did not commit suicide but was brutally murdered.
“On viewing his body, I could tell that my brother had really suffered, the lesson I’ve taken with me is that we need to choose our friends wisely; my brother could never take his own life since he had big dreams and ambitions,” eulogized Tom Wekhomba.
Kimilili MP Didimus Baraza also condoled with the family emphasizing on transparency and accuracy in the investigations of Kubende’s death.
“Those men who were with my friend Kubende on his last day should be apprehended and serious action taken against them so that they can produce his cell phones which are missing to date, that’s where the truth about his death lies,” Didimus reiterated.
In her speech, Bungoma Women representative Catherine Wambilianga eulogized Kubende as an honest man whose ambition was unmatched and challenged DCI to be swift in action and unravel the mysterious death.
Also in attendance was Trans Nzoia governor George Natembeya who praised Kubende for his passionate service to humanity and called upon Western Kenya to embrace unity so that they can share the national government cake.
National Vice Chair Kenya National Drama and Music Festival, Jael Lusamukha mourned Kubende as a great talent and thespian whom Kenya has lost and will greatly be missed.
His former employee and former governor Wycliffe Wangamati lauded Kubende and confessed that Kenya has indeed lost a talent.
Kubende rests as an uncelebrated hero whose talent and passion will forever be encrypted in the hearts of those he interacted with directly or indirectly.