Anti-government protests must take place in coast region-speaker

I wish to echo the sentiments made by former Mombasa governor Hassan Ali Joho that we should support anti-government protests.
Mombasa county assembly speaker Aharub Khatri said the solution to the high cost of living under the Kenya Kwanza administration is through holding anti-government protests.
He said he supports his elder brother [Joho] that when the protests resume the region must actively take part.
“The level of poverty in the country is as a result of high cost of foodstuff which majority are unable to afford,” he pointed out.
Aharub said when you carry out a random search among those who have attended you will rarely get sh 100 from their pockets.
Anti-government protests in Mombasa
He was speaking during this year’s annual Idd Baraza held at the Treasury Square garden in Mvita constituency, Mombasa county. Mombasa governor Abdulswamad Shariff Nassir graced the ceremony which was also attended by pioneer Mombasa governor Hassan Ali Joho.
The County speaker assured Joho that the county electorate are waiting for his word to go ahead with the protests.
READ ALSO: I will fully take part in coming antigovernment protests- Joho
Aharub said they are ready to march to the streets once the green light is given to resume the protests.
He told Joho to have a consultative meeting with his successor Abdulswamad Shariff Nassir to come up with a tentative program to be followed.
“The government has declined to listen and heed to the cries of members of the public,” he pointed out.