Ripple Effect Flags Off Donkey Nutrition Project In Mt Elgon

By Isabella Maua
Ripple Effect, in partnership with Brooke East Africa has launched a donkey feeding programme initiative at Kapsogom in Kopsiro Sub County of Mt. Elgon on Tuesday.
The project that is primarily aimed at enlightening the community on the importance of proper donkey nutrition was flagged off at Kipkurgei village with a group of 12 members of the Chamtaet Self-Help Group, which was initiated in 2009 with the aim of improving the living standards of its members.
Gladys Keya, chairwoman of Chamtaet SHG, couldn’t hide her excitement as she showed off a section of the farm that was used as a demonstration ground with fully mature Bracharia grass.
“We’ve been partnering with the then ‘send a cow’ to now Ripple Effect, and we can attest that our lives have never been the same,” said Keya.
She added that “not only have our lives greatly improved as individuals, but our donkey’s health and stature have since stabilised.”
Jackline Kiboi, Livestock Officer at Chepyuk Ward, lauded the group for heeding the call and taking a bold step to participate in the barely popular exercise of growing a rare species in the region.
“Chamtaet qualified to flag this project and have since demonstrated resilience and enthusiasm; they have also managed the grass very well, and soon after harvesting, they’ll get more splits to expand the grass coverage area,” observed Kiboi.
She further expounded that Bracharia is very good at making hay, which is perfect feed for the donkeys given the highly nutritious dry matter.
Dr. Kennedy Sikiriet, an animal health practitioner in Mt. Elgon, concurred with Chamtaet members, revealing that not only have farmers benefited, but professionals too have acquired more experience and expertise in matters of donkey handling.
“Before the Ripple Effect, we had many shortcomings with regards to handling and treating donkeys, but nowadays we have an incredible experience in our day-to-day activities, and our donkeys are undoubtedly happier,” reiterated Sikiriet.
Kennedy Wanyonyi of Ripple Effect emphasised the importance of adapting the Bracharia grass, explaining that it has a high level of protein and is highly nutritious for not only donkeys but cattle too.