George Aladwa:Raila’s Nairobi Footsoldier who has Set Eyes on Vihiga Seat

George Washington Aladwa is a household name to many Kenyans who follow the country’s politics.
The Makadara Member of Parliament is known for his aggressive and political mobilisation skills that are oiled by his persuasive tongue every time he is on the microphone.
To many,he is ODM Raila Odinga’s most trusted and diehard ally when it comes to Nairobi politics.That cannot be contested as long as he is still the Makadara MP.
The vocal legislator shoots straight from the hio whenever he is defending his party leader and people’s rights.This has sometimes landed him in trouble with the police but he never gives up.
However,Aladwa’s reign in city politics maybe coming to an end after he declared interest in the Vihiga Gubernatorial seat.
Those close to him say he is a man who doesn’t like stagnating in one position and his two terms as Makadara MP are deemed enough for his parliamentary career.
Aladwa declared interest in the seat back in March this year and has been making random visits to his home county to re-establish his political roots.
Aladwa’s aggressive politics of a true go getter saw him enrolled by the late President Moi to be one of the KANU youth leaders in Nairobi,an opportunity that saw him rise through the murky politics of the capital city to become a mayor
It is his move to ODM and his association with Raila Odinga that elevated him further as would later be voted in as a mayor during the grand coalition government.
This was also made possible by then local government minister Musalia Mudavadi who is currently the Prime Cabinet Secretary and ANC’s party leader.
Musalia Mudavadi’s party is deemed popular in Vihiga but ODM still controls a good number of elective seats.
Aladwa’s reign at City Hall as the mayor to many ranks as one of the most successful despite the normal fights that would erupt among councilors.
The defunct City Council by then was collecting upto Sh 11 billion in revenue per financial year,a phenomenon that is rare over ten years now under the much well structured county government.
Many have wondered why unlike former Mayors,Aladwa continued to live his normal life despite having held the lucrative position.
Hezron Obuko who formally worked in the county’s parking department says Aladwa was a transparent man who never liked to divert revenues for his personal use.
” He would have become a billionaire if he wanted but he always told us to be transparent and declare everything because the money belongs to the people,” Hezron says.
The big questions among many is if Aladwa has what it takes to be governor.
For starters,he is a holder of Bachelor in Business Administration from the Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University.
He has been an agitating for allocation of more funds to counties and his has been ranked as one of the best performing MP in Nairobi in terms of implementation of NG-CDF projects.
Vihiga is predominantly a Maragoli sub tribe county but also has the Abanyore and Tiriki Sub Tribe.Clan and sub clan politics is also much alive in the county.
Maurice Ambani who is one of the opinion leaders from Majengo in Vihiga opines that the clan and sub tribe politics won’t be an issue for Aladwa because he has risen above tribe politics in Nairobi which carries all the 46 tribes in Kenya.

” When you go to Makadara you have Luhyas,Luos, Kikuyus,Kambas and all that but he has support cutting across so I don’t think that will be a problem,” he said.
Aladwa comes from he bakirima clan of the Maragoli sub tribe just as the first governor Moses Akaranga.
In some of his engagements,he has insisted on why Vihiga has to improve its revenue collections.
Aladwa’s move to Vihiga will be seen as a big loss to Raila in Nairobi but the party seems to have given him the blessings to pursue his dream even as other young politicians like Babu Owino emerge.
It is expected that current Vihiga senator Godfrey Osotsi will defend his seat.