11 Nairobi County Workers Fail to Record Statements with EACC Over Fraud

Eleven Senior Nairobi County workers have failed to appear before The Ethics and Anti Corruption Commission (EACC) to record statements over fraud at the County which saw more than Kshs 60 million embezzled.
In letters seen by The Times’ Investigative desk, the EACC wrote letters to them on 27th September 2023 and followed it up with another on 5th October 2023 requesting for documents and information.
However, EACC did not get the required documents and information it requested for to facilitate the investigations, prompting the commission to summon the 11 officers for interview and statement recording as from 1st of November 2023 and 3rd of November 2023, but they blatantly refused to appear at the commission offices as asked.
Attached below is the letter from EACC with a list of the said officers and when they were supposed to appear before the commission but failed.

Below is also a list of some companies that allegedly received colossal amounts of money fraudulently from the Nairobi County coffers which EACC is investigating, some of them having direct links to the above listed officers.

Further, it is believed that the said officers are trying to cover their tracks in vain, as the trail of money is still with the investigating officers at EACC, hence the water tight case against them.