Kenya Red Cross Efforts Bear Fruits As GBV Cases Decrease


Efforts by Kenya Red Cross Bungoma has led to a significant drop in GBV cases in Mt Elgon

Gender-based violence has significantly curtailed in Mt. Elgon sub county following numerous sensitization sessions held by the Kenya Red Cross within the region.

This finding was reported at Kopsiro Model Health Centre during an event where Community Health Promoters were being given free reflector jackets by Kenya Red Cross Bungoma on Friday.

“We’re not only grateful to the Red Cross for these reflector jackets but also for making us proud CHPs today since we’ve greatly impacted knowledge in our community, and now we have very few to no GBV cases in our respective villages, noted Gideon Chepkombe, CHP from Chepkurkur.

On the other hand, the CHPs lauded the Red Cross for always standing by to support their course despite the numerous hindrances they have to overcome in their line of duty.

Joseph Simiyu from Changeywo said, “Despite the positive outcome, we still have some notorious perpetrators whom we might need to put more effort into dealing with, especially some bodaboda guys and untrained teachers who woo girls and defile them along these forest areas.”

Another great challenge vastly mentioned was victims of domestic violence going back to the perpetrators in the name of settling matters out of court.

“There are two cases of assault we’re currently following up on at Kapkirwok, but the already mutilated wife is still living near her husband, who’s constantly sending threats to her despite having reported the matter to police,” reported one of the CHPs.

Conclusively, area chiefs and villagers were challenged to be at the forefront of informing authorities of any domestic violence cases and illicit liquor brewing, which is the major cause of violence in the region.

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