Residents Advised To Normalize Medical Tests As Kapsokwony Family Care Opens Doors

By Isabella Maua
Mt. Elgon residents have been advised to beware of soaring lifestyle diseases in the region, mostly caused by a lack of knowledge or delayed medical attention.
Speaking during the grand launch of Kapsokwony Family Care Medical Centre in Kapsokwony, Dr. Hillary Kibet, who is the director and head doctor at the facility, challenged the residents to normalize medical tests, whether they feel unwell or not.
According to Dr. Kibet, the facility is a representation of cooperative social responsibility and is not necessarily a profit-making institution.
“We welcome residents from all walks of life to come and benefit from our high-tech services here at Kapsokwony instead of making long travels in the quest for the same services or even of less quality,” reiterated Dr. Kibet.
Echoing his sentiments, Vincent Ngeywo, the co-director, observed that the facility is determined to cater to all clients regardless of their financial status since it is affordable.
“We have embraced modern technology, and we offer fully computerized services to enable us to keep proper records and monitor our patients,” he reiterated.
John Shikuku, a patient who benefited from free screening, expressed his gratitude for the experience.
“I’ve personally had a lifetime experience today; comfy beds, high-tech services, and a warm welcome by the medical officers are something I would wish everyone to have a taste of,” said Shikuku amidst grins.
Kapsokwony Family Care becomes the second branch in Mt. Elgon and accepts Britam insurance cover, though it’s in the process of accommodating other covers as it continues expanding its wings across the region.