Nairobi MCA Want Unified Business Permit Quashed

Maurice Ochieng Health chairperson and MCA for Mountain View want the unified business permit removed as it is not working for food vendors.
Ochieng says the unified business permit is a threat to health of Nairobians as it goes against the constitution of Kenya Cap 242 and 254 on food and chemical act as it states.
Food vendors need to be inspected before being given the food, hygiene and health license.
“I want to urge Governor Johnson Sakaja, the county executive and chief officer for health to remove the health license from food vendors to make the unified business permit legal and operational,” Maurice stated.
The ward representative added that health comes first before matters revenue arise.
The Unified permit combines the business, fire, food, health, and advertising licences into one, unlike in the past when traders were supposed to get multiple licenses
The hotel businesses, traders used five permits: a business permit, food hygiene permit, fire certificate, advertising permit for the signpost outside eatery, and a health permit.