Carolyne Khasoa: Why I am going for LSK General Member Post

City Lawyer Carolyne Khasoa has her eye set on the Law Society of Kenya General Member post even as campaign intensify for the February 22 elections.
In an exclusive interview with the times on Monday, a day before the closure of campaigns , Khasoa outlined what fueled her desire to go for the seat.
Khasoa said her objectives is to bring innovative representation that will better the lives of advocates.
Top on her agenda is re-engineering the Law Society of Kenya council by establishing a system where the council will adopt Mwongozo system of service delivery.
“I am certain that Mwongozo system of governance will transform service delivery and meet the needs of members,” she said.
Mwongozo is a code of Governance for Government Owned Entities that was developed by the Implementation Committee, in conjunction with State Corporations Advisory Committee and the Institute of Certified Public Secretaries of Kenya (ICPSK) in consultation with World Bank
Mwongozo provides a framework embodying Board charters, Codes of conduct, professional ethics, and performance management.
The Code addresses matters of effectiveness of Boards, transparency and disclosure, accountability, risk management, internal controls, ethical leadership and good corporate citizenship.
Khasoa is certain that the system will provide a platform for addressing shareholder rights and obligations and ensuring more effective engagement with stakeholders.
She further says she seeks to push for widening of practice basket by ensuring that tribunal and quasi judicial bodies are devolved to enable more members to play their mandate in them.
She has also promised to review remuneration order to capture various forms of Alternative Dispute Resolution and Alternative Justice System practice.
“Apart from that, I will push for the introduction of contractual researchers, prosecutors, State Counsel, Land registrars, to the Judiciary, AG, DPP, Quasi-Judicial Bodies, ministry of Land among others to reduce case backlog, improve justice delivery turnaround time and put money in advocates pockets,” she said.
To enable expeditious justice, Khasoa says there is a need to reintroduce commissioners of assize.
In that, she envisions a program to use retired tribunal members to help judges and magistrates in a structured quarterly service weeks
“I believe there is also need to separate council practice and administrative committees for result based management. Apart from that, I seek top push for introduction of midterm review of the ordinary members meeting to deal with practice issues and track AGM resolutions.
“I will also seek to ensure we establish LSK members public participation guidelines and involve members in LSK Budget cycle.
In addition, Khasoa envisions introduction of Council /Members quarterly report review meetings that seeks to improve performance plus mid and annual score card rating.
She also seeks to introduce LSK AGM resolutions oversight committee with representation drawn from all the branches.