Mombasa Governor Abdulswamad Shariff Nassir Bans Muguka Business



By Tobby Otum

Mombasa, Kenya – Governor Abdulswamad Shariff Nassir has issued an executive order banning the muguka business in Mombasa County. During a media briefing at Port Reitz Sub County Hospital in Changamwe Constituency, the governor cited concerns over muguka’s detrimental effects on mental health, as well as its social and economic impacts on the youth.

Flanked by Mvita MP Mohamed Soud Machele, Governor Nassir emphasized the urgency of addressing the issue. “Muguka causes significant mental health problems and has adverse social and economic effects among our youth,” he stated.

The ban is part of a broader initiative to improve public health and social welfare in the region. Governor Nassir’s decisive action reflects the county’s commitment to tackling issues that hinder the well-being and future prospects of its young population

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