Laini Saba MCA Kaende Faults the Finance Bill, Says it’s Oppressive

By Reporter ◊
The Nairobi County Assembly Deputy Majority Leader John Ndile Musila popularly known as Kaende on Thursday accompanied the Wiper Party leader Kalonzo Musyoka to host the Mt. Kenya region elders at the party’s headquarter.

The elders were submitting the report and resolution of the Limuru III Conference which took place early this month.
Speaking during the event, Kalonzo stated that Limuru III marked the celebration of culture and diversity interposed by a spirit of constructive dialogue.
“We should promote our unique and diverse identities, regardless of the challenges and aspirations that make the great nation of Kenya. for the third year running, Kenyans have been introduced to Finance Bills (then Acts) that break the body and tasks its soul. The people’s recommendations via public participation last year were abundantly clear: ‘No more arbitrary taxation without commensurate service delivery,'” Kalonzo said
Kaende who serves as a member of the National Executive Committee (NEC) and the ward representative for Laini Saba Ward urged the Mt Kenya region to remain united for the success and development of the region.
He said that the finance bill 2024/2025 is oppressive to the ‘hustlers’ who voted the same government.
“The Finance Bill has become more retrogressive and punitive; targeting the very people that it said was at its heart. From bread to M-PESA transactions and motor vehicle taxes, their avarice appetite speaks to their callousness and Inhumanity. The “Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA)” antonym has been replaced by the “State-Capture” verb,” said Hon Kaende.