Maendeleo ya Wanawake Demand Stella Soi Lang’at be Given a Second Chance

Pressure has mounted for the Parliamentary Committee on Appointments under the stewardship of Speaker of the National Assembly Moses Wetang’ula to reconsider the rejection of Gender cabinet nominee Stella Lang’at.
Maendeleo Ya Wanawake Organisation (MYWO) Mombasa county chairperson Afya Rama led women to break their silence and to send a passionate appeal to the vetting committee to consider Stella’s nomination.
Afya argued they are after her performance and delivery and not a public relation person.
“Let her be given a second chance to appear before the committee,” she urged.
Afya said they are expressing their disappointment after the committee rejected Stella’s nomination.
She argued that Stella deserved a second chance and she should be given the benefit of doubt and see if she can perform.
“Stella is a very competent person who deserves the opportunity,” she said.
She was addressing the media at Mama Ngina Waterfront in Mombasa county after the vetting committee cleared 19 nominees instead of the 20 when it rejected Stella’s nomination.
The MYWO Mombasa chapter boss lashed out at the committee for not giving her a chance as there was a lot of interruption during the committee’s proceedings.
Afya told the media the rejected nominee might not be good in public relations despite sounding academically qualified.
She asked the committee to reconsider her when it presents its report on the latest nominees for Attorney-General Dorcas Oduor and for East African Community Affairs (EAC) Beatrice Askul who are expected to appear before the vetting committee by the time we were going to press.
The two are to close the nomination chapter for a government of unity.
“A similar incident occured in regard to former Tourism cabinet secretary Peninah Malonza but she was given a second chance,” she pointed out.
The organization’s county chairperson outlined that Stella has served in different capacities under the provincial administration in the country.
She pointed out they are after a hard working person and not a show-off with a lot of talk instead of delivery.
“Her track record shows she can work efficiently and interact with locals,” she pointed out.
The MYWO Mombasa county boss told the media they are after a servant leader with a track record and not a show off.