Let us spread joy and love to the less privileged during this Christmas season


By Johnson Oduk

The Christmas season is here and we are all elated over this opportunity that helps the majority of us reunite with our families and friends.

This means we have yet another chance to share our gratitude and express our appreciation for those we love and cherish something without expecting anything in return. Indeed, this is the time for us to create deeper bonds, spread joy, improve our own well-being and live a life of abundance.

Biblically, we celebrate Christmas to remember the birth of Jesus Christ, who is the Son of God. The name ‘Christmas’ describes the Mass of Christ (or Jesus). A Mass service where Christians remember that Jesus died for us and then came back to life.

It is prudent of us therefore to continuously practice what is embedded in the spirit of Christmas, by showing love and joy to every one of us, and moreso,the less privileged whose faith in all aspects of life needs to be lifted and given a new lease of life.

We must not be taken away by modern ways of celebrating that have overshadowed the real purpose of this beautiful calendar day and the larger festive season. The joy that we need to share must come from our heart and mind and not be persuaded by earthly interests.

To those that have been blessed to have more than you need financially, do not go into hibernation with your families to hide from your neighbors but reach out to those you deem poor and share a bite of feast love by way of donating food and clothing. Our corporate organizations should open up food banks to mobilize more resources and the government too must make it possible to offer such opportunities.

To those with more time, kindly visit our hospitals and volunteer to donate blood, which is a great act of kindness to save lives. In this case, we should have more blood donation centers to encourage those willing to donate. Our referral hospitals will always be in need of blood and every drop of it will count to the benefit of those struggling for their breath in hospital.

Visit that nearby Children’s home or orphanage and donate some second hand clothes that you don’t need anymore. Tag along your work group and sing them some Christmas hymn songs.

To our young men and women who have spent most of their time in urban centers and the Capital City in Nairobi, find time to catch up with your ageing parents. Buy them clothes, nice beddings, a pair of shoes and of course some pocket money. Our parents, including the grandparents, always appreciate gestures of love. We are their blood and descendants.

Do not be tempted to get into drug abuse and even uncontrolled alcohol uptake to show your prowess.Christmass is not the time to lose morals and values that should safeguard our future. It is the time to show utmost respect to those who rate us high.

Those in School are encouraged that you still have a dream to chase even as you celebrate with your family. Avoid the friends out to mislead you into temptations that may make you stray from the books. Remain respectful to your parents even if they are poor. Show them love and joy, because in you, they see hope and resurrection of the dreams they once heard.

Together let us make this season a moment to behold and remember for ever and ever,for the Christ that we love,will give us more life.

The Writer is a businessman cum politician based in Nairobi

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