Kenyans Lauded For Patience
By John Kariuki
Kenyans have been thanked for being patient awaiting the mega announcement by the IEBC.
Kericho governor elect Dr. Eric Murari said: “I must laud my fellow country men and women for the restrain and peaceful manner with which they have conducted themselves this far.
Kenyans from both sides of the divide have intentionally avoided pre-empting the election outcome and opted to grant IEBC the latitude to conclude and announce the winner ,Which is a departure from past election conducts.
On this bright Sunday I wish to thank Kenyans for demonstrating that maturity and plead with IEBC to respond to that positive gesture by expediting the remaining processes.
I urge fellow leaders especially those in the national tallying centre to follow the example of tolerance set by ordinary Kenyans and allow the process to flow seamlessly.
May we continue to maintain peace and may we be an example to Africa and the world that transition in peace is possible.