NMS Announces Mass Demolitions To Pave Way For Construction Of 28KM Kibra Roads
Nairobi Metropolitan Services (NMS) has announced mass demolitions aimed to pave way for the construction of 28KM Kibra roads.
The project is aimed to improve accessibility in the informal sector hence will connect Kibra to Lang’ata, Southern Bypass and neighboring roads.
NMS boss Major General Mohamed Badi thus called on owners of houses and structures built on the land meant for the road construction to have them demolished.
Badi further reiterated that nobody will be spared when the demolitions commence.
“I am calling upon the owners of the houses to demolish their structures themselves because no one will be spared. No biasness will be applied whether the house is built using stones, mud, or iron sheets. I, therefore, plead with the owners to cooperate and move with speed and demolish the houses,” Badi is quoted by the publication.
Badi’s sentiments were echoed by NMS Director of Transport and Public Works Michael Ochieng who stated that the project will be beneficial to future generations thus called on youths to take part.
“We are calling upon the youths to take part in this project which will benefit generations to come,” said Mr Ochieng.
In 2018, the National Lands Commission (NLC), Kenya National Human Rights Commission (KNHRC) and Kenya Urban Roads Authority (KURA) said Kibera residents would not be compensated to pave way for the construction of Ngong Road-Kungu Karumba-Lang’ata link road.
The commissions gave the reason that land belongs to the government and the development of the proposed link road would proceed as planned.
“The transport corridor is on public land. Most of the residents built structures on the land and NLC will not compensate for that. All we shall do is to pay the occupiers in good faith,” said then NLC Vice-Chairperson Abigael Mbagaya.
The Sh2 billion project was meant to reduce traffic jams on Mbagathi Way, Ngong Road and Lang’ata Road.