Lenku Vote Hunt Mission Brings Kitengela Operations to Standstill


Kajiado Governor Joseph Ole Lenku’s political camp stormed the busy Kitengela Town this evening in a caravan of over 50 vehicles and held a mega rally in the middle of the town.

Thousands of Lenku’s Jubilee supporters brought Kitengela to a stand still as they chanted and sang pro-Lenku songs, completely blocking the Nairobi Namanga Service lanes on both sides.

The mega rally that painted Kitengela red was organised by Lenku’s political think tank only a day after Azimio La Umoja named Raila Odinga their Presidential Candidate.

Lenku’s rally was also joined by enthusiastic ODM supporters who said that theirs was a Raila-Lenku line up and that they would support him all the way to the ballot.

Lenku’s show of might in Kitengela, the home town of his his main gubernatorial rivals David Nkedienye and Kajiado East MP Peris Tobiko just confirmed the Governor still has a grip on the urban voters in the County.

In his address Lenku said, ” Kajiado is a Jubilee Zone. I have been I charge here since 2016 and we are winning this one I 2022 with a bigger margin.We are working very closely with ODM members to ensure we lock this County for Raila Odinga’s Presidential bid.”

He added, ” Jubilee has owners and the owners NI SISI. We are focused on our rivals from the other party but not those who joined us recently.

Both Jubilee and ODM aspirants were given a chance to address the enthusiastic crowd that were branded with Jubilee merchandise.

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