Imwatok Kicked out of Meeting over House Leadership Fall out


There is a discontentment that is brewing among the Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Alliance after a section of the county Legislators threw out of a meeting the former Minority Whip Peter Imwatok.

The MCAs accused the Makongeni Ward Representative of Siding with their Rival Opponent over Speaker’s post.

According to the insiders at the meeting held at Radisson Blue in Nairobi, it emerged that the former Whip went against the party position on the agreed leadership slots in the house.

In a breakfast meeting held on Friday, Imwatok told the assembled legislators that they had an agreement with Governor Johnson Sakaja to share the speaker and deputy Speaker’s positions among the two coalitions.

Imwatok told members that they had agreed with Sakaja that Azimio gets Speaker and Kenya kwanza gets deputy speaker.

According to attendees at the meeting that’s when agitated MCAs kicked out Imwatok and it took the intervention of the security guards at the Hotel’s premises to save him from the agitated MCAs.
The over 33 newly elected members of county assembly differed strongly with the utterances terming it a scheme to fall Ken Ngodi who has been forwarded by ODM party as the preferred Speaker.

“We are a democratic nation and two people in a closed door meeting cannot decide who to become our speaker for their personal interest. That is the reason Sakaja has failed to gazette the swearing in ceremony of Nairobi MCAs,” an MCA who sought anonymity told journalists outside the Hotel.
The wrangles are is reportedly to have been fueled by the city legislators who rejected Imwatok as the majority leader.

The MCAs also warned the newly elected Nairobi West Ward rep for spying the ODM meetings and signaling Sakaja in exchange of handouts.

“Rex Omore if you don’t change we won’t consider you for appointments in committees,” the angered MCAs said.

The Azimio coalition so far has the majority with the new Mcas being 33 in number and nominated 22 in number against the second timer MCAs who are only 12.

The over 55 Azimio Mcas are supporting South C Mca Abbas khalif ,who is first timer legislator to be Majority leader because of his firmness and seen as a leader who can not be easily compromised unlike others.

“We are firmly behind Abbas as our Majority Leader, as Azimio will support Abbas and speaker Ken Ngondi, those are our leaders,”Kileleshwa Mca Robert Alai said.

The first timer legislators are now warning their Veterans that they should adhere to the coalition position and support Ken Ngondi as the next speaker in the coming weeks.

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