Raila Should Seek Alternative Resolutions – Bishop Chemengich


By Isabella Maua

Kitale Diocese Bishop Rt. Rev. Emmanuel Chemengich has called upon the leader of opposition Raila Odinga with his followers to seek alternative solution to their plea other than mass protest.

Speaking during a special holy communion service at St.John’s ACK Kapsokwony, the bishop urged opposition leaders to use alternative amicable solution instead of heightening Kenya’s political temperatures further.

“Raila and fellow opposition leaders should consider the consequences of their actions; we also beseech government to cooperate and find a lasting solution to avoid casualties,” advised Chemengich.

The bishop also condemned the same sex relationships and or marriages citing that Anglican England church is on its own in their support to such associations.

“Anglican churches are independent and a decision by England church doesn’t affect the whole world; under the leadership of our Archbishop  Jackson Ole Sapit, we by all means condemn such satanic act  which is against the book of Genesis,” noted the clergy.

Chemengich on the other hand applauded the government for it’s effort to combat banditry in the high risk regions of Turkana, Samburu, Tugen, Pokot and Marakwet.

“We support the government for deploying KDF to these risky areas and also urge our disciplined forces to maintain peace and not subject innocent civilians to pain and harassment,” reiterated Chemengich.

Also speaking during the service was Ven. David Sang of Chemoge Mt. Elgon parish who called upon government to look into matters of subsidized fertilizers being sold at the National Cereals and Produce Board within the region.

“Mt. Elgon is undoubtedly the bread basket of this region but the fertilizers being received here is far much below the number of farmers, this should be checked and corrected to save the situation since the rains are already here,” mentioned Sang.

Besides that, he pointed out lack of transparency in selling out the fertilizers citing hiking of prices.

“The government should state categorically if a bag of fertilizers goes at Sh. 3500 or more because some farmers have reported buying at Sh. 4050 in some occasions,” divulged Sang.

Conclusively, the clergy called upon youth to be peace ambassadors and keep off drugs and substance abuse to promote a healthy and sober generation.

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