Tourism Sector challenged to develop emergency plan


The government has no choice but to come up with a plan to create resilience in the tourism sector.

Mombasa governor Abdulswamad Shariff Nassir challenged the government to come up with various strategies to develop an emergency plan to create  resilience in the tourism sector.

He pointed out the emergency plan should aim at dealing with fire outbreaks, attack by terrorists or disease outbreaks.

“There is no shortcut but for the government and the industry to embark on the development of an emergency plan,” he insisted. 

Abdulswamad reiterated terror attacks and cyber attacks pose a significant  risk to the industry as seen in the past.

The remarks were contained in a speech read on his behalf by Mombasa county executive member in charge of Tourism Mohamed Osman during the 19th annual symposium held at Whitesands beach hotel in Mombasa county. The two day workshop was organized by the Kenya Association of Hotelkeepers and Caterers [KAHC].

Tourism Sector outlook

The governor said experts had recommended five steps for assessing and developing resiliency in an uncertain future.      

Abdulswamad added it’s crucial to hold frequent emergency drills meant to ensure that the staff know the safety protocol.

He added the staff should know how the equipment is maintained and how to move guests to safety.

“We ask the sector to have an evacuation plan in case of a fire outbreak or in case of a hurricane,” he pointed out.

KAHC chief executive officer Mike Macharia defended the forum saying its agenda is how to grow the sector to prosperity.

He added the theme of the two day forum is resilience and innovation and how to rebuild the sector.

“The move is as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic with a recovery process in place,” he pointed out.

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