Mosiria king of Vipindiree,Health officer Terrorizing Staffs
Nairobi Chief officer of Health Facilities Geoffrey Mosiria has taken the social media by a storm thanks to his mentor of “vipindiree” former Nairobi governor Mike Sonko.
Mosiria who colluded with Sonko back then to set up medics at Pumwani Hospital in “babies death expose” has mastered his mentors theatrics well.He now goes to hospitals at night in an impromptu visit where he threatens staffs and even collect bribes for protections.
Through his influence Mosiria has been colluding with County Public Service team to transfer different tribes as he crops in Kisiis in Key position.
He used the same theatrics to have former CEC Anastasia Nyalita transferred from the health docket.
He told governor Sakaja that Nyalita was the stambling block for health development in the county.
“Gavana atajua ajui Mosiria ni Mwanafunzi wa Sonko he uses others to achieve personal gains,he didn’t manage it with NMS because Oluga was so strict.He walks in Hospitals only to intimidate nothing actually is going on.Time will tell.” A source at City Hall said.