Nairobi county Ward Development Fund Surges from KES 1.4B to 2B
This financial year 2023/2024 The Ward Development Program (WDP) under the leadership of Nairobi Governor, Sakaja Johnson has increased Ward development fund allocation from KES 1.4B to KES 2B (17m to Kes 23M per ward).
Speaking during the WDP Technical working group workshop on consideration of WDP budget estimates for 2024/2025, County Executive, Mobility and Works, Mr. Brian Mulama said, “Revenue and Expenditure go hand in hand. Let us be realistic when budgeting. I am happy that we have this session that will guide and ensure we understand the County Fiscal Strategy Paper (CFSP) and County Budget Review and Outlook paper. This session will also provide a platform for WDP to Prioritize Sector Programmes/projects and allocate resources appropriately.”
Speaking during the opening session, WDP, Ag. Chief Executive Officer, Eng. Eston Kimathi, “The WDP is a Capital development programme which ensures that a specific portion of the County annual budget is devoted to the Wards for purposes of development and in particular the fight against poverty and improving the lives of Nairobi residents in the 85 wards. In the last financial year 2022/2023, WDP Procured – 104 (85 Roads & Drainage Projects, 3No. Social halls, 7No. ECD blocks, 2No.Sports Facilities, 4No. Trading Facilities, 2No. Health Facilities, 1No Perimeter fence) all totalling to KES1.75B, of these projects, 25 no road projects in various parts of the city have been completed and will be unveiled by Governor Sakaja soon. Others are at various stages of construction and are targeted to be completed by the end of the year.
This financial year 2023/2024 WDP will procure projects in all the 85wards valued at Kes. 2B.”
He added “Under the leadership of Governor Sakaja, previously underdeveloped wards like Uthiru/Rithimitu have received a fair share of development where the county constructed the first county funded tarmack road to restore dignity to the residents of Nairobi. WDP has overseen the construction of Non Motorized transport facilities like walkways in informal settlements like Mathare /Mabatini and rehabilitated roads within residential estates like New Ngara Estate. In the implementation of these projects, we have been able to create job opportunities for our youth that keep them away from engaging in substance abuse.”
Speaking during the meeting, Geoffrey Sianga, Director, Economic Planning said, “The Countys Economic planning department will walk with thr WDP team to ensure that they have an in-depth understanding of the planning and budgeting process as guided by different legislation. This session will prepare the WDP team to develop their Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) 2024/25 -2026/27. The working workshop will culminate in a WDP Sub-sector report by the end of the workshop. So that the team can be able to plan Capital projects accordingly.”
Mr. James Ngunjiri, Deputy Director, Budget said, “Ours is to encourage sectors to focus on the priorities contained in Vision 2030, the Governor’s Manifesto, the Nairobi City County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP) and respective Sectoral Plans in preparation of budget proposals. We would like WDP to focus on priorities programs/projects geared towards the realization of creating: a City of Order, Dignity,Hope, and Opportunities for all. WDP is critical to realizing Governor Sakaja Johnson’s priority capital projects in order for Nairobi to work.”
Added Mr Ngunjiri, “It is imperative to ensure linkage of all proposed programmes with National and County Plans as well as align Sector objectives and strategies with development objectives of the County and finally identify the Sector policy, legal and institutional reforms requirement.”
In attendance was Dr Anastasia Nyalita, County Executive, Inclusivity, Public Participation and Customer Service, who spoke about the importance of citizen engagement