Housing PS Charles Hinga Leads State Department in High-Level Meeting at World Bank Offices


The Housing Principal Secretary, Mr. Charles Hinga, spearheaded a significant gathering of the State Department at the World Bank Offices in Nairobi.

The focal point of this meeting was to conduct a comprehensive review of the progress and impact of the Kenya Informal Settlements Improvement Project (KISIP), with particular emphasis on the advancements made through the Digital Public Works (DPW) initiative. Additionally, the session aimed to explore potential areas for new developments that the World Bank could support, focusing on urban resilience and digital development initiatives.

Mr. Axel van Trotsenburg, the World Bank Senior Managing Director for Development and Policy, actively engaged with community representatives and youth stakeholders, expressing appreciation for the achievements of the DPW initiative. The Digital Public Works program has evidently made significant strides in enhancing infrastructure and services within informal settlements, underscoring its importance in fostering sustainable development and improving living conditions for residents.

Among the dignitaries present at the meeting was the Nairobi County Deputy Governor, Njoroge Muchiri, alongside other top county officials. Their presence underscored the collaborative efforts between national and county governments in implementing transformative projects aimed at addressing urban challenges and promoting inclusive growth.

The dialogue at the World Bank Offices provided a platform for stakeholders to exchange insights, share best practices, and chart a course for future collaboration in advancing urban resilience and digital development agendas. The engagement reflects a concerted effort to leverage innovative solutions and international partnerships to address the multifaceted challenges facing urban areas in Kenya.

As the meeting concluded, it marked a significant milestone in the ongoing partnership between the Kenyan government and the World Bank in tackling urbanization challenges and promoting sustainable urban development. The commitment demonstrated by both parties underscores the importance of collective action in driving positive change and building resilient, inclusive cities for all.

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