National Assembly Members React to Select Committee Report on Cabinet Secretary’s Dismissal Motion



Members of the National Assembly have made comments on the findings of the Report of the Select Committee on its investigation into the proposed dismissal of Hon. Franklin Mithika Linturi as Cabinet Secretary for Agriculture and Livestock Development.

This follows the approval of a Special Motion by the Member for Bumula Constituency, the Hon. Jack Wanami Wamboka, MP on three grounds, namely: gross violation of the Constitution or any other law; serious reasons to believe that the Cabinet Secretary has committed a crime under national law; and gross misconduct.

While tabling the Report, Committee Chairperson,
Hon. Naomi Waqo (Marsabit County) cited Article 152(7) if the Constitution. Hon. Naomi Waqo informed the House, “the Select Committee conducted the hearings to investigate the matters alleged in the Special Motion seeking the dismissal of the Hon. Franklin Mithika Linturi, Cabinet Secretary for Agriculture and Livestock Development on three grounds: Allegations of gross violation of the Constitution or any other law; serious reasons to believe that the Cabinet Secretary has committed a crime under national law; and gross misconduct of the Cabinet Secretary.”

The Marsabit County legislator also referenced Article 152(9)(a) of the Constitution and Standing Order 66(7) (a).

Hon. Waqo added, “the Committee having found that the allegations against the Cabinet Secretary for Agriculture and Livestock Development are unsubstantiated, there should be no further proceedings on the matter”.

The 11 Member Committee had ten (10) days, to determine whether the allegations against the Cabinet Secretary have been substantiated.

The Select Committee’s findings were met with mixed reactions. A section of lawmakers voiced their approval of the Select Committee’s recommendations. “I arise to support the verdict that has been passed by the Committee,” declared Hon. Rindikiri Mugambai.

“The National Assembly Agriculture Committee has been looking at these matters holistically and while table a comprehensive report,” Hon. Dr. John Mutunga (Tigania West).

On his part, the Leader of the Minority Party, Hon. Opiyo Wandayi (Ugenya) argued for further investigation due to the motion’s unprecedented nature.

The Select Committee held twelve sittings to investigate the proposed dismissal of the Cabinet Secretary for Agriculture and Livestock Development. The Sponsor and the Cabinet Secretary appeared before the Committee on 8th, 9th and l0th May 2024.

Thereafter, the Committee considered the submissions from both parties in accordance with the Constitution, the relevant laws, the National Assembly Standing Orders and its Rules on the Conduct of the Investigation.

Speaking to the Report, the Select Committee Vice Chair, Hon. Robert Mbui (Kathani) emphasised, “Mr Speaker for the record, the Hon. TJ Kajwang, Hon Yusuf Farah, Hon Catherine Omanyo and Hon Robert Mbui, stood with the Kenyan farmers.”

The Speaker of the National Assembly, Hon. Moses Wetang’ula emphasized the Select Committee’s adherence to the Constitution, “The Select Committee has discharged its constitutional mandate. Being an ad-hoc committee in nature, the Select Committee now stands dissolved.”

Dr. Wetang’ula cited Article 152 of the Constitution, “sub-article 9 (a), ‘if the Committee finds that the allegations are unsubstantiated, no further proceedings shall be taken,” he stated dissolving the Committee as it was established for this specific investigation.

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