Sabaot Community Beseech Government To Accelerate IEBC Commission In Pursuit Of Own County


By Isabella Maua

Women from the Mount Elgon region have been challenged to vie for more elective positions as the region prepares to present their memoranda to the National Cohesion and Integration Commission in June this year.

In a meeting convened by KAREU MPYA, a community-based organization, in Kapsokwony on Tuesday, local leaders from different organizations and groups expressed their grievances, beseeching the government to accelerate the process of forming an Independent Electoral and Boundary Commission committee.

“Sabaots are a minority and marginalized community that has been neglected since independence. We have hopes, however, that our cry for our own country is long overdue, but without IEBC commissioners in place, our cry is null and void,” bemoaned Jane Chepkorom, the former nominated MCA.

Despite the fact that the Sabaots remain marginalized in both Trans Nzoia and Bungoma counties, women happen to undergo more challenges than their male counterparts in the political scene.

Pamela Serut, wife of former Mt. Elgon M. P. John Serut, who was also present in the meeting, called for peace and unity as the community follows the process of being officially gazetted as marginalized as per reports presented to the National Dialogue Committee as per election act 2011.

“Peace is the key ingredient to achieving the dream of getting our own county and bringing resources closer home; let’s also accord women the respect they deserve and offer them an equal opportunity to lead us,” reiterated Serut.

Former Bungoma County Deputy Governor Hillary Chemoywo further accentuated the essence of having an IEBC commission in office so as to actualize the presented NADCO reports and investigate claims of perception that Sabaots are not only marginalized but also discriminated against.

“We are glad that KAREU MPYA is going to present their memoranda to NCIC; this will be our sole gate pass to self-governance. Remember our win, as Sabaots will be beneficial to all communities living within, especially Iteso and Luhyas,” added Chemoywo.

The meeting incorporated village elders, women leaders, persons with disabilities, youths, and self-help group leaders from Elgon and Kaptama wards.

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