State to dissolve 47 state corporations with duplicate functions


The Kenya Kwanza administration has taken a bold step to streamline state corporations which are non-profit parastatals in the country.

President William Ruto has announced 47 state corporations with overlapping and duplicative functions will be dissolved.

He directed staff working in the state corporations to be transferred to various ministries and other state agencies.

“The functions of affected parastatals in the country will be integrated,” he pointed out.

He added the functions of the affected state corporations will be integrated into the respective line ministries.

“The government move to dissolve state corporations will result in the elimination of their operational and maintenance costs,”  he pointed out.

Ruto said he has suspended the decision to fill the positions of Chief  Administrate Secretaries [CAS] until further notice.

He was addressing the Nation from State House Nairobi amid countrywide anti-government protests.

The Head of State said in his statement he has reduced the number of his  advisors by 50 per cent.

President Ruto added the reduction of the number of his advisors will take immediate effect in line with the Public Service.

He defended the government move saying it is about having the right  conversations and denied claims it is driven on ethnic lines.

“Despite all that has been said and done as a nation the conversation is not  about personalities or political formations but rather issues affecting  everyone,” he disclosed.

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