ODM not in a coalition with Kenya Kwanza- Abdulswamad

Orange Democratic Movement [ODM] deputy party leader Abdulswamad Shariff Nassir reiterated that their party is not in government.
He sought to put the record straight that the party is not in a package agreement with the Kenya Kwanza administration.
“Speaking as ODM deputy leader, we are not in the government but we only gave them our members to salvage the government from sinking,” he pointed out.
Abdulswamad said come 2027 general elections it will not be business as usual as they will field their own presidential candidate.
He was speaking during a ground breaking ceremony of Santana modern housing project in Kisauni sub county, Mombasa county. A total of 816 housing units will be completed ahead of the 2027 general elections at the tune of sh 4.5 billion courtesy of Megna Homes.
The ODM deputy party leader said their party is the largest and most democratic party in the country and it is still in the opposition.
Abdulswamad, who is also Mombasa governor, told those in the affiliation to stop misleading the country.
He argued the appointment of four party members to serve in a broad-based government does not mean the party has entered into a package deal with President William Ruto’s administration.
‘’We let them have our key players to ensure the government does not burn and to salavage and assist them,” he clarified.
Speaking separately Kasipul lawmaker Charles Ong’ondo Were refuted claims ODM has joined the Kenya Kwanza government saying they have seconded their members to the administration. He was speaking during the burial rituals of Sarah Ayieta Oindo the mother of Mombasa politician Moses Arani alias Civilizer at her homestead.
He told mourners that the four party members who were appointed to serve in a broad-based government have experience and have been seconded to stabilize the country’s economy.
“We are not in the government nor in the executive but we only sent them the experts to serve in the government,” he added.
The MP reminded the mourners it is within the rights of those appointed to serve in the broad-based government to do so saying they are taxpayers.
Ong’ondo insisted Azimio la Umoja leader Raila Odinga remains the favourite presidential candidate come the 2027 general elections.

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