Youths issues must be re-looked with different lenses  


Mombasa deputy governor Francis Thoya has called on the government to re-look issues and concerns related to the youths with different lenses


He pointed out youths issues in the country today have to be re-evaluated following the anti government protests two months ago which caused countrywide mayhem.


“Time has come to re-look at youths issues with different lenses,” he added.


Thoya said the county government is committed to prioritize more resources towards helping  the youths.


He was speaking during the launch of “elevate voice yake program” held at Whitesands beach hotel in Nyali constituency, Mombasa county.


The county deputy governor said he believes youths have a voice and say in the country’s development.


He called on the international organizations to think broadly on how to tackle radicalization among the youths in the country.


“Apart from addressing radicalization they must also come with a format to address violent extremism in the country,” he pointed out.


The Mombasa deputy governor told the media the county has its own plan to deal with radicalization and violent extremism.


On her part, Kilifi deputy governor Flora Mbetsa Chibule told the forum they echoed the launch saying they are committed as county government to ensure they relocate resources to make county youths stable.


She cited youths employment opportunities and incentives in the their stations and “training and empowering vocational centres.”


The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Kenya  Mission director David Gosney told the media that its a rare opportunity to be at the port city in partnership with the county government and civil  societies including the local community and to be part of bigger efforts to provide them with bigger space and opportunity to their proposals.


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