Mombasa County Employees at Border Entry Points to be Immediately Transferred


Mombasa governor Abdulswamad Shariff Nassir has directed an immediate reshuffle of county employees manning border point entries.


He accused them of being lax in the war against the use of muguka in the county.


Despite the war against the muguka being still on and the matter being active at court he lashed out at the county employees manning border points of being lax in the war against the product.


Abdulswamad has reiterated the war against muguka still stands with the support of all elected county leaders.


He was speaking during the marking of the world mental health day at Treasury Square in Mvita constituency, Mombasa county.


The Mombasa governor reminded the forum the entry of muguka into the county is illegal as there is overwhelming support on the ban of the product in the coast region.


Abdulswamad said the county employees who are supposed to enforce the ban have been reluctant to effect the order.


He demand to see the transfer of the county officials manning points entry with immediate effect.


“I am not ready to go back from where we were before yet we had left to reach where we are going in the war against the mugaka menace,” he pointed out.


In his welcome remarks Deputy Mombasa Governor Francis Thoya has acknowledged life has become miserable due to economic hardships.


He said the economic hardship has made  life unbearable with parents running away from responsibilities to their children.


“This contribute to the highest level the mental illness in the country,” he disclosed.


The Deputy Mombasa Governor has highlighted the effort the county  government has put in place to avert mental health from affecting county employees.


Thoya pointed out that the county government has ensured county employees get  their monthly salaries in good time to avert mental health challenges.


He defended the county government saying what it is doing is in line with campaign pledges made in the last general election.


“As per today’s record the county government has no outstanding arrears with its employees,” he pointed out.

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