HAKI Africa Calls for Unrestricted Media Freedom, Safe Environment for Journalists


He said they had stood with them during the media protests against government harassment during the anti government protests.

HAKI Africa executive director Hussein Khalid, Pwani social working group chairman Samuel Kazungu, Media Council of Kenya Mombasa region boss Maurine Mudi and Mombasa Press Club's Omar Shungu alias Ommy Dalla observed a minute of silence during the third day of the week of mourning with several lined up activities held outside the Media Council of Kenya Mombasa region office in Mvita constituency, Mombasa county.

Human rights activists have appealed to the government to open up recourse channels for the Media Council of Kenya to operate to the required maximum capacity.


Led by HAKI Africa executive director Hussein Khalid they said the media is a component that should be allowed to work freely without being gagged.


He further assured the media fraternity they will never forsake them despite challenges they encounter in their line of duty.


“Besides other arms of the government it’s not possible to ignore the media fraternity’s duty to inform members of the public,” he pointed out.


He was speaking during the third day of the week of mourning with several lined up activities held outside the Media Council of Kenya Mombasa region office in Mvita constituency, Mombasa county.


The HAKI Africa executive director lauded the media fraternity for expressing the democracy they had expected to see in the country.


Hussein reminded the forum that for the country to have lasting peace the media fraternity must be on the forefront in the country’s daily activities.


He said the least they can do for the media fraternity is to ensure they are in a safe environment to ensure their efforts are fairly remunerated.


“Tear gas canisters were the food for the media fraternity during the Gen Z anti government protests,” he disclosed.


Mombasa Press Club chairman Omar Shungu alias Ommy Dalla described human rights activists as a good source of information for the media fraternity and they have a good working relationship with them.


He said they had stood with them during the media protests against government harassment during the anti government protests.


“We appeal to them to continue standing with the media fraternity to enable us achieve our freedom in news coverage,” he added.


On her part Media Council of Kenya Mombasa region boss Maurine Mudi told the forum journalists are human rights activists in their own way.


She called for a good working relationship between journalists and human rights activists.


“It’s very rare to see journalists being applauded for good work apart from being criticised,” she pointed out .

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