Mombasa based lawyer posted 29 on differential points to become the overall winner of this year’s Mombasa Club Captain’s Prize
By Tobby Otum
A Mombasa based lawyer posted 29 on differential points to become the overall winner of this year’s Mombasa Club Captain’s Prize (Lawrence Odhiambo) tournament held at the club course in Mombasa county.
Gabrile Gakuo playing on 14 handicap beat over 100 golfers from different clubs during the two day event to be crowned the overall winner.
Aloise Ogola won the men’s award after scoring 40 on differential points playing on 16 handicap.
The two day event whose main sponsor is Safaricom saw Antony Kariuki take the runners -ups award in the men category on 42 differential points playing on 42 handicap.
The third award went to Aamil Mughal on 45 deferential points playing on 8 handicap.
The club lady captain Gladys Kasi won the ladies title after posting 35 points playing on 31 handicap.
Christine Kinyeru won the ladies runners-up award after she scored 32 points playing on 21 handicap.Club veteran member Elijah Ibua won the best senior award on 50 differential points.
Nyali golf club captain Zaffir Din won the best coast captain award after posting 22 points playing on 25 handicap.
The best past captain award went to Symon Ambugu after posting 53 on differential points.
The award ceremony was graced by Safaricom PLC Enterprise business unit coast region’s Abel Wambugu.