Electoral Justice Is Good For All Kenyans


By Martin Masinde

The ongoing proceedings at the Supreme Court present a magnanimous opportunity to the people of Kenya, and the international community to understand in nitty-gritty what happened on Election Day a few weeks ago.

Granted, there are those who are exhausted from what feels like an extended political season and wish we would move on to our daily businesses. There is political tension and uncertainty, as we do not in truth know on which side the pendulum of justice will stick.

However, it is crucial to take an objective look into why the proceedings are important to all of us. Since the promulgation of the Constitution of Kenya 2010, we have had four general elections held since 2013.

In each, the aggrieved parties have had an opportunity to go to the court of law to lodge their petition, in the hope that justice eventually prevails.

This is the initial step into strengthening our democracy and a demonstration that we have matured as a country, given that we do not prosecute our cases and grievances on the subjective and emotive court of public opinions.

What has also stood out during the petitions is that our institutions are strengthened.

All indiscretions committed during the electoral exercises by the commission mandated to conduct the elections are laid bare for all to see, judgements to rectify the mistakes are delivered and the aggrieved get their justice.

While this election was praised by many quarters as a radical improvement from the previous ones conducted by the Independent, Electoral and Boundaries Commission under the Chairmanship of Wafula Chebukati, and especially with the vast utilisation of technology, the aggrieved petitioners have raised issues worth examining.

Were the IEBC systems accessed by unauthorised persons who tampered with the people’s will? Were there instances of voter suppression to the disadvantage of the petitioners, in this case Honourable Raila Odinga and his running mate Honourale Martha Karua?

Were there cases of vote rigging? These are some of the consequential issues that the court must examine and deliver a ruling on, not just for the sake of the petitioners but so justice may be delivered to the Kenyan voters.

The Writer is a Political Commentator, Risk & Insurance at Halfmoon Africa Holdings

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