Kakamega MCA Elected To Lead A National Caucus
A member of the County Assembly of Kakamega has been elected to lead the National Disabilities Caucus (NDC).
Hon.Timothy Aseka, the ANC party nominated MCA was today elected unopposed by his colleagues from the 47 County Assemblies to Chair the Caucus.
MCAs with Disabilities drawn across the Country held their maiden forum at the Safaripark Hotel in Nairobi, where they elected the National office.
“I take this opportunity to sincerely thank each one of you for voting for me. This this is a great honour and responsibility you have bestowed on me. I want to assure you that I am equal to the task.Together with other leaders we will champion and fight for our rights.We will make our society fair for equal opportunities to all mankind,” Hon Aseka remarked amid cheers and ululation of celebrations from his fellow honourable members.
He also thanked his party for nominating him for the second time in a row to represent People Living With Disabilities (PWDs) in the County Assembly of Kakamega.
Hon.Aseka is remembered for initiating a proposal to have a county legislation in place to promote the welfare of persons living with disabilities. The County Executive embraced his Bill – The Kakamega County Disability Bill, 2021.
The Bill was later subjected to a public participation and then approved by County Assembly to become law.
Meanwhile, Hon.Aseka has received a node from his colleagues to represent the Caucus at the County Assemblies Forum (CAF) national office.
CAF is the coordinating body of the 47 County Assemblies in Kenya.
The primary mandate of CAF is to promote networking and synergy among the 47 County Assemblies, coordinate intergovernmental relations and enhance good practice in legislative development