Mombasa County Assembly to issue BBI copies to residents


By Tobby Otum

The Mombasa county government is at an advanced stage to ensure local residents are supplied with a copy of the controversial Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) constitutional amendment document before the public participation exercise commences in Mombasa county.

County Assembly Speaker Aharub Khatri said the move is to hasten the process of the initiative through public participation in 30 wards within the stipulated 90 days.

He said the county has managed to organize for soft copies of the document to be available through whatsapp for the residents to read and understand.

“The move is to ensure groups access the document to read and understand it before presenting their views during the public participation exercise,” he pointed out.

Aharub urged county residents to ensure they read and understand the document to amend the constitution.

He spoke during a media briefing at his office after the controversial BBI constitutional amendment bill was tabled at the Mombasa County Assembly in Mombasa county.

The county speaker said the document has been officially handed over to the county assembly justice and legal constitutional affairs committee chairperson Amriya Juma Boy who is nominated member of county assembly [MCA].

Aharub added the entire exercise will highly depend with the turn out during the public participation after being gazetted.

He said the move is in line with the document they received from the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission [IEBC] which was delayed because both the national and county assemblies were in recess.

“After a long recess we have been able to table the initiative’s constitutional amendment bill at the county assembly,” he pointed out.

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