Private Security Stakeholders Root for Audit of All Saccos


Private Security stakeholders have handed to the Cooperatives ministry,a raft of measures regulatory proposals aimed at streamlining growth of Sacco’s in the sector

Led by the National General Secretary for Kenya National Private Security Workers Union( KNPSWU) Isaac Andabwa,the stakeholders on Wednesday held a meeting with new Cooperatives Cabinet Secretary Wycliffe Oparanya to lobby for a working relationship with the state department of Cooperatives and a new regulatory framework.

The meeting brought together Walinzi Sacco social partners from Kenya Commercial Bank, Kenya Security Industry Association ( KSIA) Chief Executive Officer Mustapha Shiyuka and officials from the Association of North Rift Security firms.

Some of the appeals made include: expedition of an inquiry and audit of all Sacco’s in the private security industry within the last five years,regulate number of Sacco’s in the sector with a focus to have a single sector Sacco.

They also appealed on the ministry to establish a legal framework that protects the interests and shares of Sacco members.

According to Andabwa, these measures will guarantee accountability and define clear roles of stakeholders.

” This will help hold accountable those found culpable of embezzling of members savings, walinzi Sacco included,” he said

Andabwa underlined the importance of Sacco’s in addressing the plight of workers including private security officers.

Earlier on,KCB and Walinzi Sacco has signed an Memorandum of Understanding where the bank will help provide customised services and products on savings and investment to serve private security officers across the country.

The Sacco is also targeting caregivers,house help managers, cleaners, gardeners,cooks and drivers within household units.

The CS Wycliffe Oparanya tasked the Commissioner for Cooperative Development to urgently iron out any pending matters affecting Walinzi Sacco for professionalisation of its operations.

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