Tourism Stakeholders Urged to Develop Initiatives to Boost Sector


Mombasa governor Abdulswamad Shariff Nassir has asked tourism stakeholders to come up with attractive initiatives to boost the sector in the country.


He said the era of waiting for tourism seasons is gone and urged the stakeholders to embrace conference tourism to attract more tourists into the country.

"Apart from conference tourism I also challenge the sector to embrace eco-tourism," he pointed out.


Abdulswamad said time has come to reclaim the country’s lost glory through marketing the country.


He was speaking during the marking of this year’s world tourism day at the famous Treasury Square in Mombasa county.


The  governor asked the national government to come up with a free visa policy to allow cruise ship tourists’ movement.


Abdulswamad asked the government to also allow tourists on board vessels carrying cargo and goods free movement apart from cruise ship tourists.


He said the move will boost the tourism sector and enhance revenue collection.

"My request will be able to market the country as a tourists destination," he pointed out.


Speaking at same forum which involved tourism stakeholders Uganda’s consulate Paul Mukumbya said he is happy to be part and parcel of the day’s ceremony  saying his country is ready to grow the sector between the two countries.


He disclosed Uganda has been having annual tourism conferences in the country since 2022.

"The Uganda government has been working closely with the county  government to promote tourism in the country," he pointed out.


The consulate has called for the bench marking of youths between the two countries.


Mukumbya urged for more regional tourism to market the regional  tourism sector to end dependence on tourism seasons.

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