Former Mombasa Mayor Modhar dares Mvita MP Abdulswamad to quit politics
By Tobby Otum
Mvita legislator Adulswamad Sharif Nassir’s ambition to succeed Hassan Ali Joho in next year’s race for the Mombasa gubernatorial seat is under threat after former Mombasa Mayor Ahmed Modhar challenged him to quit politics.
He dismissed his leadership style as biased and based on serving his personal interests and not the interests of the electorate.
“I wish to dismiss Adulswamad’s claims that he has the interests of the electorate at heart and was not serving his personal, selfish interests,” he said.
Modhar urged him to humbly quit active politics as he now qualifies for a pension from parliament after serving for two terms as MP.
He spoke during an iftar dinner at St Joseph Hall in Mvita constituency Mombasa county on the eve of Eid-Ul-Fitr marking the end of holy month of Ramadhan. The occasion was organized by the patron of Machele Foundation Machele Soud.
The former Mayor insists that everything the incumbent does is geared towards serving his own personal interests arguing that he has no good faith.
Modhar lashed out at the MP for lack of political ambition as he has nothing to show as his track record after serving two terms in parliament.
He dismissed him as a having failed the litmus test as a leader during his two terms as Mvita MP and does not deserve any elective post in next year’s general election.
“Let him pave way for the flamboyant Machele Soud who has best leadership qualities,” he pointed out.
The former Mayor said the local legislator has no place in the political arena ahead of next year’s general elections.
The former Mayor urged Abdulswamad to quit politics ahead of the general election to give chance to those who will bring development to Mvita.
Modhar said despite the government setting aside funds annually through the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) kitty the legislator has not development projects to show to the electorate.
He told the forum he has no personal vendetta against the MP but he said the local legislator has failed the constituents in the past ten years.
“My criticism is that the constituency lacks development projects despite the CDF kitty while other constituencies can show what they have achieved with the government money,” he pointed out.
The former Mayor said he is offering a free advice to the MP to retire and enjoy his pension instead of seeking another elective position.
Modhar reiterated time has come for Adulswamad to hand over the batton to a youthful and energetic person who can propel the constituency into next level.
Modhar who was flanked by former local government assistant minister Mohamed Hashim and United Democratic Alliance (UDA) activist Mohamed Salim alias Thenge regretted that the constituency has lacked for the past 10 ten years under him.
In his brief remarks Machele said he was perturbed with the outbreak of Covid-19 which has affected the employment opportunities in the county.
He promised to empower the youths by providing them with equipment to do the jobs they are good at to sustain themselves in life.
“There are no white-collar jobs apart from skills which can be used in being self employed,” he pointed out.
O his part Thenge extended an olive branch to his political saying he was ready to share a development platform with them.