Youths Condemn Stoning of Kirinyaga Women Rep


The Kenya young parliamentarian chairman Gitonga Mukunji has condemned the incident where goons stoned Kirinyaga Woman Representative Njeri Maina while she was on a meet the people tour.

According to Mukunji, the law enforcers should fast track investigations into the matter and will bring culprits to book.

” This won’t stop here we are going to ensure that such acts are not allowed at all and everyone is free to conduct he/her mandate according to the constitution without fear or intimidation” Says Hon Mukunji.

The Kirinyaga Woman Representative, said that she was attacked by people known to her alleging that they were sent by her political enemies

“It’s people I know. I have bled but I will defend the people of Kirinyaga County. I have been elected here in Kirinyaga and people must get their rights,” she said.

Nominated Senator Gloria Orwoba has since called for speedy investigations and called for Kenyans youths to distance themselves from divisive and violent politics.

“Today is Hon Njeri tomorrow it will be you, If Someone who is elected is beaten by his or her voter now what is the fate of nominated legislators likes us ,I promise I shall rally all women in this parliament to rebuke such acts due to politics” said Orwoba.

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