Expedite Dongo Kundu Bypass Opening to Prevent Likoni-Ferry Accidents, Says Abdulswamad


Mombasa governor Abdulswamad Shariff Nassir has urged the national government to expedite the official opening of Dongo Kundu by pass to end accidents at the Likoni Ferry channel crossing.


He said the move will end unnecessary perennial accidents at the channel.


“The county will propose a total ban on vehicles to use the ferry services to cross the channel,” he  pointed out.


Abdulswamad said the ferry services will be used by pedestrians only to cross the channel.


He was addressing journalists at the Coast General Teaching and Referral Hospital over the weekend. He had visited victims of an accident when a bus heading to Ukunda in the south coast overturned at the Likoni Ferry crossing.


The governor told journalists talks to ban vehicles from using at ferries to cross the Likoni channel are at an advanced stage.


Abdulswamad  said after the official opening of the 17.4 kilometer bypass and highway he will have a date with transport cabinet secretary David Chirchir to effect the county government’s proposals. The bypass was built with a sh 40 billion loan from Japan with support from the government.


He confirmed the county government has passed a resolution to ban vehicles from using the ferry to cross the channel.


“The ferry should strictly for pedestrians only,” he insisted.


The governor told the media they are ready to engage other stakeholders  and the Kenya Ports Authority [KPA] which owns the ferry services on the county proposals to ban vehicles from using the ferry and instead use the by pass connecting the Mombasa county with the south coast.


Abdulswamad, who was  flanked  by Mombasa county executive in charge of transport and infrastructure Daniel Otieno Manyala has refuted claims the ferry service is a commercial service arguing that it is a social service being run by a state parastatal.


He added it’s important to value human life more than commercial benefits.


“We would rather ban vehicles from using the ferries and have pedestrian only using them,” he insisted.

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