Linda Ugatuzi Faults Court of Appeal Decision on Finance Act 2023


The Operation Linda Ugatuzi led by Prof. Fred Ogola has poked holes in the Appellate Courts decision to quash a high court ruling that temporarily suspended implementation of the finance act 2023.

Prof. Fred Ogola expressed dissatisfaction with the decision saying that Chief Justice Martha Kooome is leading the most corrupt institution that is denying Kenyans justice.

According to the professor, the court of appeal actually lifted the conservatory order against the unpopular finance act which was passed by the very unpopular Kenya Kwanza Government.

“Kenyans are not getting anything from the taxes they pay they are only hearing stories of tumetenga, tunapanga, tunakata kupanga, those things don’t actually add value to Kenyans. What we have discovered is that I was in court the day the High Court suspended the unpopular finance act,” said Ogola.

“It was very clear when I heard lawyer Mahat saying that they are very sure and they know that the court of appeal will overrule the  high court on the issue of the finance act. Now because they knew, we have a system in Kenya, whereby the lower courts give Kenyans justice and the higher court take away that justice of Kenyans.”

Over taxation in the finance act 2023

He pointed out that the decision is acting against the rights of Kenyans  by collecting too much money from Kenyans yet only corruption is what we are hearing.

“And it’s now clear that the higher you go in the court system, the less justice you are likely to see because the level of  courts rises with corruption, which means the higher the court the higher the corruption. Kenyans you must remember we are here because the Judiciary led by Justice Koome was there in supreme court when they made unpopular decision to uphold the election of this government yet there were so many controversial issues,”

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Again they have now suspended the ruling by High Court again very unpopular decision made by Court of Appeal.

So what I want to tell Chief Justice Martha Koome, you are Chief Justice yes, by title, but are you overseeing justice in Kenya?

You are a Chief Justice over a very big system where there’s no justice. You should actually be called Chief Injustice because that is what we are seeing in the country. Kenyans lost faith in the Court of Appeal, Kenyans have now lost faith in the supreme court, the only court where Kenyans still have faith is High Court. We want to applaud Justice Thande for having made a decision that is now being overturned by a court system which the higher you go, the higher the corruption and the lower the justice.

As operation Linda Ugatuzi we have a petition in high court trying to ask the high court to completely withdraw the finance act. We hope the decision which has been made by the Court of Appeal will not compromise justice in withdrawing of the unpopular, Draconian, finance act.”

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