Corruption riddled KEPROBA on the spot over illegal recruitment of Directors



The Kenya Export Promotion and Branding Agency (KEPROBA) is one of the Parastatals earmarked for highly publicized Merger.


The merger is due to serious duplication of roles with Kenya Tourism Board, Ken Invest Authority, Kenya Year Book and Tourism Research Institute.


However, corruption and Mismanagement is now the order of the day at KEPROBA by the current CEO-Floice Mukabana and her Management Team.


According to inisders, there is a serious leadership crisis at KEPROBA and the majority of staff are disgusted with the level of mismanagement.


Concerned Staff claim that the Board has taken a laid back attitude and seem to have been compromised by the CEO Floice Mukabana since their relatives have been employed in KEPROBA.


The Chairman-Mr. Jas Bedi has always been hawk-eyed to save KEPROBA from rogue CEO’s but this time, it seems like Floice has hoodwinked him.


The PS-Trade, Alfred Mr. K’ombudho should also stop these illegal recruitments because even the KEPROBA HR Manual does not support it.


The CEO has decided to go against the Public Service Commission guidelines of employment and decided to reward her cronies by giving them Director positions internally, instead of Advertising externally to allow KEPROBA secure competent Technical Officers.


Staff are wondering why they’re hiring these 6 Directors internally yet KEPROBA is going into the Merger?


CEO-Floice Mukabana never sits in the office to work and is always travelling for perdiem.


She is illegally paid full perdiem for local functions that she doesn’t attend – this is Fraud and embezzlement of public funds.


She then signs Attendance Sheets to hoodwink the Board and PS office.


The acting directors being rewarded are Celestine Rono, Austine Macheso, Fatma, Maureen Mambo) and Manager-Finance(Mumo) normally cover her and that’s why she wants to reward them with Director positions before the Merger.

Adverse Audit Reports on Procurement have also been sent to the Board but these have been ignored.


KEPROBA lost over 12Million shillings yet the procurement Manager (Dominic Ariro) hasn’t been sent on compulsory leave to allow for investigations.


He is the right hand man of the CEO on receiving kickbacks.


KEPROBA staff now want the recruitment stopped immediately and Advertised externally for qualified Technical Officers and Procurement Manager sent on compulsory leave to allow for independent investigations.

The Finance Office abuses Petty Cash for their own personal use and that is why the incompetent Cashier-Francis Kiragu is protected by Floice, Celestine and Mumo.

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