County Legislators Now Demand Better Remuneration, Recognition


– The County Legislators are proposing the formation of county assemblies service commission.

– They plan to hold a national conference early next month to canvas their concerns and standing grievances.

– We cannot effectively oversight governors who earn millions while MCAs earn salaries lower than deputy directors in county governments.

By Adieri Mulaa

Members of County Assemblies are now demanding improved remuneration that is commensurate with their responsibilities.

They also want to be accorded more recognition, respect and equity in comparison to other legislative leaders. There are more than 1500 MCAs in the 47 county assemblies.

The county legislators aver that although they are the vanguards of devolution, stark contrasts exist in their working conditions compared to Governors, Members of National Assembly, Senators and the President.

Thus, as a remedial measure to address their plight, Members of County Assemblies are proposing the formation of a county assemblies service commission. 

They say such a commission would be able to make appropriate evaluation of their remuneration and submit more informed recommendations to the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) for action.

In a terse statement, the MCAs also cite the recent case in which a Member of Kakamega County Assembly was murdered in cold blood in his Ward in broad daylight.

The late Stephen Maloba, MCA for Kisa East Ward was stabbed to death on Saturday April 1, 2023 at a political rally in his Ward within Khwisero constituency by goons who allegedly attempted to block him from addressing the crowd. 

READ ALSO: Release Funds or Face Impeachment MCAs Tell Finance CEC

During a meeting held in Nairobi recently by a caucus of MCAs from various Counties Assemblies, they termed the murder as a threat by people opposed to assertive Ward representatives propagating devolution under the Constitution.

“Apart from a few voices from Kakamega, national leaders have not condemned the murder of Kisa East MCA, Stephen Maloba”, they said in the statement.

Sources told The Times that MCAs plan to hold a national conference early next month to canvas their concerns and standing grievances. 

The Leader of Minority in Machakos County Assembly, Mr Francis Wambua is the convenor of the planned county legislators national conference.

Mr Robert Alai, the Member for Kileleshwa Ward in Nairobi City County Assembly told The Times a caucus of MCAs held a meeting in Nairobi on April 15, 2023 where pertinent issues concerning MCAs in Kenya were raised.

Members of County Assemblies are state officers. Article 176 (1) of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010 says there shall be a county government for each county, consisting of a county assembly and a county government.

In the unprecedented move, MCAs from various County Assemblies say while their role involved making laws, being a voice of the voiceless through representation and oversight on the executive in the counties, their work was often undervalued, not appreciated and underfunded.

The county legislators argue that lack of proper representation of their interests had seen them receive inadequate salaries under the prevailing economic conditions, compared to legislators in the Parliament of Kenya.

“We cannot effectively oversight governors who earn millions while MCAs carry a big title but earn salaries lower than deputy directors in county governments”, they noted.

The Ward representatives lament that they are not entitled to pension even after serving for two terms.

Today, we have the Third County Assemblies since 2013 when the First Assemblies came into effect following promulgation a new Constitution. It replaced the defunct local authorities, which also did not have pension for Councillors in the previous dispensation.  

They pointed out an instant case of Nairobi City County Assembly Deputy Speaker, Paul Kados Kiguathi who has so far served for over 25 years since 1997 but has no hope of getting pension despite working for long as a Councillor and now serving as MCA.

“This is unacceptable because it perpetuates inequity in the treatment of elected leaders in Kenya”, they said.

In addition, they point out that operations in the MCAs offices are hampered by inadequate funding. That they also lack Ward funds for elected Members and affirmative fund for the nominated Members.

The leaders acknowledge that these inadequacies, hinder their ability to perform their duties effectively in serving the electorate.

Speakers of county assemblies earn a gross salary of Kshs.525, 525 with house allowance of Kshs.80, 000 and salary market adjustment Kshs.130, 210.

A county assembly Deputy Speaker has a gross salary of Kshs.216, 563. It is broken down to basic salary of Kshs.129, 938 and a Kshs.60, 000 house allowance plus Kshs.26, 625 salary market adjustment.

An MCA earns a gross salary of Kshs.144, 375. This is tabulated as Kshs.86, 625 for basic salary, a house allowance of Kshs.45, 000 and Kshs.12, 750 being salary market adjustment.

Apart from the proposed county assemblies service commission, MCAs are also mooting the formation of another association besides the inaugural County Assemblies Forum (CAF).

They explain that although CAF is supposed to represent MCAs and Clerks of county assemblies, it has become an executive club for Speakers, without meaningful achievements over the eight it has been in existence.

“We believe the formation of a new association and the proposed commission will be a game-changer for MCAs in the quest for our rights and genuine interests”, they said.

The caucus is calling upon all County Legislators to join hands and support what they call a noble cause.

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