Embattled Governor Kawira Mwangaza is Top Performer- Survey


Research firm has today unveiled results depicting Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza as the top performing county boss across the 47 counties.

The study was conducted between March 28th to April 28th 2023 by poliltrack Africa.

Among the key areas Kenyans were asked on various Govenors performance was employment opportunities in counties,health among others.

Governor Kawiras performance was at par as most Kenyans rated her type of leadership as excellent, interms of job opportunities she was also rated as best employer who has considered all tribes in her county jobs.

A long-drawn conflict between Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza and MCAs had caused the county a lot.

The feud had seen some operations nearly paralysed as the battle for supremacy escalated, leading to Kawira’s impeachment.

The Governor and the Ward Reps had both adopted a hard stance over various issues, chief among them being the ward fund.

The MCAs had raised various allegations against her and made attempts to impeach her.

After the impeachment debacle, Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua embarked on reconciling Kawira and the MCAs, in a process that took over a week.

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