Tree Destroys House In Kibuk, Catholic Church On Spot


By Isabella Maua

Residents of Kibuk in Mt. Elgon have had to spend nights in the cold after a tree fell on their house this week after heavy rains and strong winds.

Isabella Chepkwemoi, owner of the destroyed house, narrates how she had to seek refuge at a neighbour’s house together with her husband and three children, regardless of the impending danger.

“It is evident that no one here is safe because, as you can see, many big trees are on the verge of falling. We were lucky that on that fateful day no one was in the house; otherwise, we could be converging here for a funeral preparation,” divulged Chepkwemoi sorrowfully.

Samwel Kwalia, an elder within the vicinity, also reported that Catholic Mission Church management, who own the trees, has been promising to cut them down in vain since 2012.

“We have evacuated our homes for over ten years now and left them to bees and rats; these magnanimous trees have blocked sunlight, greatly affecting the yields of our coffee plantations and the health of our cattle, who often suffer from pneumonia,” decried Kwalia.

Janelynn Ndege also revealed that Kenya Power had to disconnect their services in the area because of fear of the impending danger posed by the huge, tall-bended trees.

“We have been forced to live in cold and darkness since the trees bore clear evidence of falling off anytime, and Kenya Power cannot risk their resources here. Our children have also been deprived of Vitamin D since we tend to experience sunlight later in the day because of the humongous shade,” bemoaned Ndege.

The residents confirm that they have approached the Catholic Church management several times and even escalated their grievances to NEMA, but no action has been taken yet.

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