Profile International launch Crossknowledge to enhance digital learning through innovation


Profiles International EA has launched ‘Crossknowledge’ a digital learning program that will support moving forward and how to up skill and train people.


This platform signifies a paradigm shift in accessible, immersive, and personalized learning experience by harnessing state-of-the-art technology.

Crossknowledge aims to equip individuals and organizations with the requisite tools and resources to flourish in an ever-changing world.


Speaking during the launching of Crossknowledge, Profile International EA Managing Director Vicky Karuga said the platform is going to eliminate old fashioned way of training.

“With Cross knowledge one can access learning at any point of need and on what you require. Training and up skilling is fundamental in terms of building a work place that is providing greater accessibility and empowering individuals to be able to work” said Karuga


“Profiles International is spearheading the localization of content through the creation of Profiles Digital Academy. Here, we will curate and develop local courses led by indigenous facilitators; eminent experts in their respective domains, imbuing East Africa with knowledge accrued over generations.” she added

The advancement of Artificial Intelligence which streamlines HR processes, from recruitment through onboarding to employee management will have a negative impact to those employed.


“AI is going to be larger than internet. The space of how we work will change. HR organizations will ensure they are onboarding right people using relevant data to keep those workers fill what organisation want” Karuga stated.


Public Service Commission Chairperson Ambassador Anthoney M Muchiri said the world is moving fast in technology therefore urged Kenyans to embrace IT.


“Digital economy is growing faster than expected. I urge people to unlock their potential and be future ready as AI is going to cut short over 300 million HR jobs in five years. Government should create 100,000km of fibre optic cable to Kenyans to enhance seamless and sustainable development.” said Ambassador Muchiri


The Academy serves as a beacon for continuous learning, forged by Africa for Africans, and about Africa.
With Profiles Academy powered by Crossknowledge.


The main objective is to empower individuals and organizations to unearth their full potential and thrive in an increasingly digital milieu. It promises to inaugurate a new epoch of learning that is inclusive, dynamic, and transformative.

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